Thursday 1 March 2012

Easy Breakfast - Weight Loss Included

I've just started this back up again, but have found in the past it's a great (and healthy) way to gentle weight loss. It's not rocket science, it's just smoothies for breakfast.
When you make it to the kitchen in the morning wondering what day it is, find the 45 seconds it takes to chuck all this into a blender:
1. rice, soy or almond milk (easier to digest than dairy and just better for you*),
2. frozen fruit to taste (this is the secret ingredient - the frozen fruit in a bag means it is SO easy to chuck in with no prep - who wants to wash and cut strawberries at 7am? PLUS the frozeness makes it all icy and yummy when mixed with the non-dairy milk),
3. sometimes I add water as well to make it stretch without the extra calories of more (non-dairy) milk,
4. if you're not breastfeeding add some whey protein (Jay Robb is an excellent brand recommended to me by a nutritionist - quite hard to find in the UK though). The protein helps thicken it and also keeps you fuller, longer.

I drink the smoothies in the morning and usually make a few glasses (who can be bothered to measure an exact quantity for one glass?) and keep it in the fridge and drink it til it runs out mid morning. What an easy way to get some of your 5 a day in!

If you can bare to, take a look at Kendra Wilkinson's smoothie recipies too. Say what you want about her - love her or hate her - girl lost a lot of weight after her baby and she has great smoothie recipes on her site. I like her "household" one which is a mix of fruit and veg with no dairy:

These + water - literally all you need!
*I know this is a controversial statement, and I am not a nutritionist, but based on everything I have read it's what I believe. The smoothies obvs work just as well with dairy if you prefer. (And yes, I drink my lattes with dairy - only one of my many contradictions in life).

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