Wednesday 29 February 2012

Baby Crack - God Bless It!

This might fall into the totes obvs category but I really want to make sure all Mummys know about Baby Crack. Before you call child services, I'm talking about a homeopathic teething powder. We just call it baby crack because:
- it's white and powdery and I have a lame sense of humour
- I've yet to meet a baby that doesn't love it (the Princess grabs for it and licks the sachet if I let her)
- it calms her right on down in seconds.
It works a zillion times better than Bonjela and it has the added bonus that it's all natural. The Princess has two wonderful milk teeth so I'm not a teething expert yet - but the crack has helped us thus far, and all my Mummy friends swear by it too.

Teetha - Nelson's Natural Teething Granules on Amazon


  1. We called it that too hehe Unfortunately it didn't have much of an effect on little E. We had to revert to dentinox which I know isn't natural :( but it numbs their gums and works straight away.

  2. Mrs Jones, lovely to see you here and commenting, thanks for the Dentinox tip. Some babies prefer the hard stuff right away I guess, eh?! x
